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Gluten-free lunches to have in hot weather

Hold up! Are you fed up of your gluten-free lunches?

It’s not like you really fancy a jacket spud in this weather. I mean, it's been nearly 40 degrees Celsius some days. Are we really living in the UK?!

When it's hot, we coeliacs tend to have even fewer options. So here are 7 different ideas for you to try that won't make you feel you're missing out.

Ali Walsh with gluten-free lunch in the garden
Don't worry: my t-shirt doesn't actually go around advertising this.

1. Chicken kebabs from Waitrose with caprese and fresh salad.

Gluten-free lunch from Waitrose.
Yes, you do spy some gluten-free bread in the corner! That's from Waitrose, too.

2. Frittata from Lidl with fresh avocado and ham salad.

Gluten-free frittata from Lidl.
I didn't quite style this one but I promise the frittata is delicious!

3. Ham & cheese toasties using Genius triple-seeded bread.

Gluten-free ham toasties
I love making gluten-free toasties. LOVE them! So worth the 4 minute warm-up wait.

4. Sushi from Tesco and salad.

Gluten-free sushi from Tesco.
Tesco is the only supermarket at the moment that uses gluten-free soy sauce. So thankful!

5. Pastry toasties using Jus-Rol gluten-free pastry (yes – pastry can go in your toastie-maker!).

Gluten-free pastry toasties
I said I loved toasties. Well I really love pastry toasties! These are made using gluten-free pastry from Jus-Rol.

6. Fresh goats’ cheese g-f muffins with sliced cold chicken and salad. Plus my fave carrot sticks!

Gluten-free goats' cheese muffins
Gluten-free muffins are super-quick to make. Let me know if you want a recipe!

7. Burger & chips with a bun. No, seriously! I got this from the amazing Tea Terrace in Guildford (they’re a chain so you can find them in other places, too). They had really good gluten-free burger buns, knew all about avoiding cross-contact and used a separate fryer.

Gluten-free burger & chips
There's something about a burger & chips in hot weather. Yummmmmm!

In hot weather I can't face doing much so many of these meals are either a quick blast in a toastie-maker or fresh from a packet (like the kebabs).

But if you can get up early to avoid the heat then making a batch of muffins is a lot easier. These obviously take a bit more time than just grabbing a pack of sushi from Tesco but they were sooo good!

The question is, which will you try first? Let me know!



Hi! Great to have you here...

My name's Ali and I help people on gluten-free diets have a better, easier and healthier lifestyle. 

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